Diversion safes come in many shapes and sizes and are a great option for using to hide away some of your much smaller valuable items. Imagine having an empty can of beans that looks like it hasn’t been opened, yet is filled with $10 bills.
This can is then put in your kitchen cupboard beside all your other real cans of beans. If a burglar was to break into your home do you think they would be wasting time rummaging around in kitchen cupboards looking for valuable items? I don’t think so.
Most home burglaries are committed by criminals who want an easy hit and run job to vastly improve their odds of escape. They are looking for homes that are easy to break into either through an open window or even an unlocked door. These burglars are opportunists and statistics state that the average burglar would spend no more than 1 minute trying to break in and less than 5 minutes in the actual home.
This doesn’t really give them much time so they need to work fast. They will use this short time to target the most obvious areas where valuables are commonly found; in the bedrooms. They will hunt for jewelry, loose cash, credit cards, small electronic items and even important documentation.
While the thief is running around your home searching for things to steal , your valuables will be safe and sound hidden in these diversion safes which will be scattered about the home sometimes in plain sight. Hide your valuables where burglars won’t even bother to look; right in the open.
Diversion Safes Can Blend Into Any Room
With these small hidden safes you are not restricted to just using cupboards for hiding items. There are Coca Cola stash safes that can be placed in your fridge, bleach bottles and cans that can be tucked away under the sink and even empty tubs of Pringles potato chips that can be left laying around in a drawer somewhere.
If you’re not comfortable using your kitchen as a hiding place then what about your bathroom? I doubt even the most determined thief would bother searching for valuables in a bathroom. You can now purchase diversion safes that are in fact hollowed out hairspray cans, shaving cream cans and even Athletes foot cans.
Do you have book shelves or collections of books lying around your home? If so, then having a couple of book safes tucked away amongst your collection would be a great way to hide some more of your possessions. Have you ever heard of a burglar to spend time going through people’s book collection? I haven’t.
Maybe you have a garage and want to hide some of your items in there. No problem, because diversion safes also come as puncture repair cans, lubricant oil cans, paint cans and even metal bolts. All of these things fitting perfectly into a garage surroundings.
What Are These Hidden Safes Made Of?

The beauty of these amazing hidden safes or cash boxes is that they are made from the original product. So a Coca Cola can safe will be made from the original genuine Coca Cola can; without the soda of course.
A Del Monte safe can will be made from the original can of fruit. This applies to all hidden safe products including spray cans, bleach bottles, candles, flower pots, hair brushes, coffee jars and even a computer mouse.
Two of the more popular diversion safes are the book safe and the rock safe. All book safes are pretty amazing because real books are actually used. They are just like in those prison movies where the inmate has a hollowed out Bible with a tiny digging tool hidden away inside. The difference here is that the interior of all these safes have a tough protective storage compartment big enough to store any number of small items.
The rock safe is basically a hollowed out rock with a tiny compartment inside specifically designed for storing keys. These are available in many shapes and sizes and are perfect for blending into your garden.
What Can I Hide In A Diversion Safe?

With such a wide variety of these hidden safes to choose from you can pretty much hide all small important items in these products. For example, in the tube shaped diversion safes you can store away rolled up copies of important documents, receipts, addresses, phone numbers, and season tickets to football matches, etc.
Book safes may be more suited to heavier items such as watches, jewelry, tiny heirlooms, coins, credit cards, spare keys and even passports.
Should I Just Have a Hidden Safe In My Home?

There is no reason why you couldn’t have an assortment of different hidden safes placed about your home to keep all your valuables at a distance from one another. It is better to keep items separate preferably in different rooms because this makes the chances of a burglar getting to all your valuables very slim.
I personally think every home should have some kind of diversion safe in their home because they are so affordable and could potentially save you a lot of heartache and loss. Think about how painful it would feel to have your most precious jewelry stolen because you left them in a plain jewelry box. Spend no more than $20 on a diversion safe and that jewelry could be hidden away in a place that no one would think to look.
Now, even though I am very much for having these hidden safes sprinkled around your home I do feel that it is important to note that these will not protect your valuables from a fire or a flood. So even though it is possible to keep documents and the like in a diversion safe I would personally store the irreplaceable papers in a fireproof safe. I am specifically talking about items such as passports, wills, birth certificates, deeds to the house, etc. By all means us diversion safes for these but I still think it best to have an extra backup storage area for the more delicate items.
You can purchase small safes that are fireproof and waterproof for under $50 and many of them have very good customer ratings and reviews. It may be worth having both options within your home to make sure all is secure. This is just something for you to think about.
Anyway, let’s take a brief look at what type of diversion safes are available to buy.
Best Diversion Safes

Hide A Key: These are very popular and come in a variety of different rock styles, shapes and sizes. The best thing to do before buying one of these is to look at your garden or the area where you plan on putting the rock and decide what style of rock would blend in with its surroundings. An example would be buying a smooth rock to blend in with a garden filled with jagged rocks. This will not do. Color, size and shape are very important, so take note and choose wisely.
Once you have your rock you can place a spare house key inside just in case you get locked out of your home. Or maybe you don’t feel comfortable with your children going to school with house keys in their pockets and prefer them to let themselves in with your Hide A Key rock.

Book Safe: Another very popular item that also comes in various sizes. You may be wondering what books are used to convert into book safes. Usually books that are not very popular or have a very dull front cover are used as hidden safes. The last thing you want is a bookworm burglar who spots the newest Steven King novel sitting on your dining table only to find it is filled with jewelry.
Here is another great feature about book safes. If a burglar did happen to open up the book they will notice that the inside is filled with its original pages; as it should be. The tiny storage compartment is hidden away behind many pages of the books’ text. So unless the burglar flicks through all the pages of the book they will not be any the wiser.

Can Safes: These are great for hiding in the kitchen. Many of these are made from popular brands such as Del Monte, Coca Cola, Ajax, Iced Tea, Dr.Pepper, Sprite, Budweiser, Campbell Soup and many more. Keep loose change in a Dr.Pepper can and put it in the fridge. I don’t think a burglar will have time to stop off for lunch.

Spray Cans: Also good for hiding in the kitchen but some are also suited to the bathroom, bedroom and even garage. Some of these cans include WD40, Gunk Seal, Desenex, Aqua Net, Barbasol, Scotch Guard, Gillette and many more.
Other types of diversion safes: There are now hidden safes that are disguised as wall clocks, electrical sockets, closet lights, candles, pens, spray bottles, tools, thermometers and many more.
I think even if you spent $100 on an assortment of the best diversion safes to place around your home you could potentially be saving thousands if a thief got hold of your possessions. They are a great investment and help to add a little peace of mind whenever you are away from home.
Incorporate these hidden safes with a good quality fireproof safe for your larger items and a good all round home security system and you are pretty much set for keeping the majority of burglars away from your valuable belongings.