Comments on: Best Gun Safe Dehumidifier Find the best home safe with over 70 reviews of fireproof safes,gun safes,dorm safes,diversion safes & much more with our home safe reviews Sun, 22 Mar 2020 11:17:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Barbara Jasso Tue, 23 Jun 2015 08:10:09 +0000 My husband using two of these in my gun safe. Stick them in when the beads are “blue”, take them out and recharge them when the beads turn “pink”. When the beads turn “blue” again after being plugged-in for several hours, they’re ready to go back in the safe. Easy peasy. LMAO at whoever plugged them in full-time to work like a “powered dehumidifier”! Confusion and disappointment are easily dismissed by reading the directions…

By: Johnny Nguyen Tue, 12 Aug 2014 06:55:58 +0000 I bought Stack-On SPAD-100 Wireless Rechargeable Dehumidifier to use in my medium size gun safe. It seems to do a good job of keeping moisture out of the safe. You place it in your safe and there is a visual indicator on the front that tells you when to recharge it. Saying the item needs to be recharged is somewhat misleading because it is not battery powered where a battery needs recharging. You’re simply plugging it in to dry out the desiccant. If the desiccant material inside is pink, that means you need to recharge it and if it is blue, then it is ok. When it needs recharging, you simply plug it into an electric outlet and let it sit until the indicator is blue again. If I remember right, the instructions said it needs to be plugged in for about 8 hours but I have found it takes considerably longer for the indicator to turn all blue. Once it is blue, you put it back in your safe. I would definitely recommend this.
