We all know that year by year crime and violence is increasing within our society. You see it on the TV news, you read it in the newspapers and you may even see it going on in your own neighborhood.
Do we feel secure in our own homes? For many, the answer to that question is no.
As a solution to the problem, people decide to keep a firearm in their home. This in itself can bring insecurity into your home if you do not store the gun away safely.
Do you have young children in your home? Have you ever caught them snooping around your bedroom looking for hidden objects? What if your child was to find your gun?
Creating a safe haven
The most important role of parents is to keep the home safe for their kids. Naturally, the home must be a place where the family feels the safest. This is the safest place to be for your child, under your roof and in a controlled environment.
So have you taken all measures to ensure that your child is 100% safe in your homes? If you own a gun, have you made sure that it is completely inaccessible to your kid?
You may think that hiding it in your bedroom drawer or up high on a cupboard shelf is a good idea. But are you really sure that this is the best place to hide your gun? Can you be certain that your child won’t find it?
History speaks for itself
According to a study, more than 500 kids a year are victims of accidental shootings. This can be attributed to the parents or guardians not keeping the guns at home completely hidden and inaccessible to the kids.
A more shocking and most disturbing finding is this: 39% of kids actually know where their parents hide their guns and 22% even admitted to having held it even after the parents’ warning of not going near it.
This is according to a study that was published in the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine.
This study shows that most of the parents that have guns have been misled. Kids will be kids and they will always be curious about things. It is time to reconsider how you keep your guns at home and think of the adverse effects of slacking off in this very important matter.
History speaks for itself. Don’t be too lax. Start making the right steps to ensure gun safety in your home.
Enforcing gun safety
Let’s face it, you cannot monitor your firearms in your homes 24/7. A lot of times you would need to leave the house, to work or even just to buy something.
Even if you are just out for a few minutes, if your guns are not properly kept away, you always run the risk of someone finding them whether it be your teenage son or daughter or even a burglar.
There are a number of ways that you can completely have gun safety in your home. The most used method and perhaps the most effective is to hide them in gun safes.
Over the last couple of years home security safes have been a popular buy for the consumer. Money safes, jewelry safes, electronic safes, digital safes, biometric safes and of course gun safes.
With the percentage of personal gun ownership on the rise more and more people are opting to buy gun safes to keep them secured.
Store your gun away in a gun storage device with a good locking mechanism to keep unauthorized persons out. Make sure you understand gun safety and its rules.
Reaping the rewards
There are a lot of advantages that come with keeping your firearms in a gun safe. But the most important: (1) your child will not have easy access to it, and (2) it also keeps it locked away from intruders.
Keeping your gun secured in a safe will certainly give you peace of mind. In implementing gun safety at home, you can be assured that you have kept the home the safest place for your children.
If you are thinking of purchasing a gun safe then make sure to read through some of these gun safe reviews to help you decide on the right brand and style for you.