If you intend to keep or store valuables such as ornaments & jewelry, digital media files, or important documents, then it is advisable for you to use home safes.
The reason is that the source of risk in most cases is almost unpredictable. Well, you may not know when a burglar will break-in, when a small candle flame could turn into a raging inferno, when a hurricane or earthquake will flatten your home.
So at all times, it is better to be safe than sorry when it comes to securing your valuables.
We have seen that there are many risks that your valuable can be exposed to at any given time. Although the degree of risks may vary from place to place, this does not negate your responsibility to secure your valuables if you live in a moderately secure home.
The truth is that risk exposure may happen at any time whether it is day or night. If this is the case then what do you stand to gain by using these safes?
Benefits of Using Home Safes
First, by purchasing and storing your valuables in safes, you not only reduce their exposure to any of the three common sources of risks, but you also attain peace of mind.
If you usually store your valuables in a drawer or hide them in shelves, you may be constantly worrying about the possibility of someone breaking in and stealing those valuables.
Secondly, these safes are also very convenient for storing your small or medium sized documents especially if you intend to set up a small home office. You won’t have to worry about who has been prying through the contents of your folders or files.
Besides, the safes also help you organize the office and give you the opportunity to prioritize the importance of documents so that you won’t have to mix classified documents with ordinary office documents.
Thirdly, you will also find home safes which have UL ratings very convenient for storing different kinds of valuables. These safes normally have combined benefits and so besides securing your valuables against fire, they also secure them against impact and water exposure.
Similarly, there are specific valuables such as handguns which may pose serious risks, so they have to be kept in concealment at all times unless you need them in an emergency.
Types of Safes

Biometric Safes: These are the best types of safes because they incorporate biometric scanning technology which is almost impenetrable. They are easy to operate and allow you to use them discreetly.
You can also change the fingerprint access or configure it to be accessed by a few other members of your family. Most of the biometric home safes come with override keys which allows you access to the safe should the biometric mechanism fail.

Gun Safes: These types of safes are designed specifically for storing pistols or handguns. If you own a gun, then they will come in handy if you want to minimize the exposure of your ammo to curious kids or even burglars.
They are much smaller and can be kept in drawers, on shelves, or even stacked on a dry wall for concealment.

Fireproof Safes: As the name fireproof suggests are basically configured to protect valuable against fire exposure. These kinds of safes are normally UL rated. There are different types based on UL ratings so that you can select the ones that you can use for specific purposes.
For instance, valuables such as jewelry should not be stored in the same home safes as paper documents. The reason is that paper documents are charred easily so the safes used to keep them should be able to maintain a much lower internal temperature for the documents to remain intact.

Diversion Safes: Are created in an ingenious way, and they rely more on the element of disguise than any real security features or components. They are normally crafted from ordinary items such as soda cans, book casing, wall clocks, and power strips.
These safes are portable and highly effective and so if you are a highly itinerant person, they will come in handy. You can use them for storing small valuables such as rings, necklaces, or bracelets, and even coins.
Now, that you have seen why it’s almost impossible to store your valuables without home safes, you should ideally get the one that will serve you all year round and give you peace of mind.