Before, only the rich could afford getting safes for their homes. Only the rich considered doing this. We always see it on the movies. The wealthy always have their valuables in money safes to protect them from theft.
You know the scenes I’m talking about where the burglar breaks into a person’s home and then tries to figure out the combination of the safe.
Once inside the safe the thief will run off with precious jewels, expensive artworks or statements of financial accounts.
Change of times
Now, ordinary people from all walks of life own home safes too. Gone are the days when people only perceived owning a biometric safe or a digital safe as part of the lifestyle of the rich. Now it is part of every man’s household.
Personal home safes have evolved from only being used by the rich to being used by just about anyone who wishes to protect their valuables from any form of untoward incidents.
This can be fire, flood or theft. Times have changed, and more people are actually getting into the idea of getting safes for their homes.
Home safe sales started increasing in 2008 when the economy was dwindling. Most homeowners resorted to keeping their money at home than in banks.
The financial crisis brought about mistrust in the financial system and people wanted to take care of their money themselves. They didn’t want to entrust their money to banks when they saw in the news that a lot of banks were closing up.
There was a reported 50% increase in safe sales throughout the industry and a drop in bank deposits. Since then banks still haven’t gained the homeowners’ trust and more and more people are choosing home safes as the best way to keep their money.
Due to the troubling financial times, burglary and crime rate in general has also increased. More people have been desperate to use illegal measures just to make it through financially.
This has also been a key factor in making more homeowners consider buying safes for their homes. Homeowners just wanted to keep their valuables protected and kept safe as they knew the outside world has turned a bit rowdy and untrustworthy.
Affordable safes
Now there are also a lot of affordable home safes available. If you thought that getting a security safe for your home would cost you thousands of dollars, then you’re completely wrong.
Depending on what you are looking for a good safe can cost from $30 for a small money safe to a couple hundred dollars for something with a few more features.
Now anybody can get a safe. Consider them a household item and something that every family should have. If you keep your money at home, if you have things at home that you truly value and you would want to protect then getting a safe is the best move to make.
Today is the time to be practical and think of what’s best for your home and for your family. Getting a home safe is not about being fancy and projecting an image of your lavish lifestyle but being practical regardless of social class.