Personal safety devices for college students need to be an essential purchase for any young woman who is venturing off to college. There are many things to be excited about when transitioning from home to college.
Opportunities and future successes are initiated the first day you step foot on campus. While enjoying the transition, it is also important to recognize and prepare for potential threats on campus.
As a female on a college campus you can never be too careful. Personal safety devices for women are a big thing now and can make a big difference as to whether you are really safe in college or not.
Having said that, when mentioning self-defense products most people tend to think of things like Mace or Pepper spray, however these are not the only items you can rely on to protect yourself.
With increased need for personal safety companies have upped their game and created quite a number of new products including online apps and devices. This type of electronic media will send an alert to the Police or friends and family with a simple swipe of your phone.

So, you see it isn’t just the physical self-defense products that are popular, BUT bear in mind they are the ones that will most likely get you out of trouble the quickest. I mean, if you are already confronted by an attacker sending, out a message to police is not really going to do you much good at that present moment. Just something to keep in mind.
Physical defense items will deal with the problem there and then…such as a device that will emit a loud sound, or a powerful light that could blind your assailant for a few seconds, or a strong spray that would literally put the attacker on the ground instantly.
A good way to go would be to have both; a physical self-defense product and a digital one. The digital app could be used to send for help while you are defending yourself with lipstick pepper spray or a mini stun gun.

I know, it sounds a bit far fetched but it is better to be overprotective and READY than to be taken by surprise and not have any way to defends yourself.
NOTE: This does not just apply to female college students. Personal safety devises can also be for the elderly/seniors, lone workers, joggers/runners or anyone who basically feels a little vulnerable.
Personal safety methods and specifically self-defense products for college students should be discussed and purchased prior to arriving on campus. One in five women are sexually assaulted while they are in college.
This statistic does not include the ratio of women who are subjected to other types of crime such as theft, physical harassment, or aggravated assault. In order to prevent yourself or someone you know from becoming a victim of such a crime you can proactively identify methods to protect yourself and your loved ones.
There are several personal safety devices for college students that can assist in self-defense and ensure you are confident in defending yourself or a friend if needed.
Best Personal Safety Alarm Keychain for Women 2021

Personal safety alarms are becoming very popular among women, seniors/elderly and even joggers/runners. The keychain versions are especially trending and in-demand and there is good reason for this.
One of the biggest positives for these self-defense products is that they are small, lightweight and very easy to carry around. Most of these personal alarms are small enough to fit snugly in the palm of your hand which means they can fit in purses, pockets, handbags and anywhere else that has a tiny bit of room.
The keychain aspect means you can hook them onto your clothing which is ideal for runners because it means they can keep their hands free while jogging but feel secure knowing the personal alarm is tucked away on their person.

These personal alarms are useful for men, women and children plus they are super important for the elderly. You can have a panic alarm or a medical alarm and are legal to carry in the US and most countries.
These ear-piercing loud alarms are every attacker’s worse nightmare due to the attention they attract once the alarm goes off. There is no way an attacker will hang around with that loud beeping sound going off.
These alarms can be used by anyone and they don’t require any training to operate.
How to Choose the Best Personal Alarm for you
All these alarms are unisex and are available in a wide variety of designs. They can be used by anyone, however there are subtle differences for women’s alarms. The main differences are the colors and the size. Women’s alarms have feminine colors and tend to be a tad smaller so they can fit into small purses, etc.
Most are very inexpensive so it is well worth the investment especially seeing as it could potentially save your life!
To help you to decide which alarm is best for you, there are a few things you should consider: –
1. How is a personal safety alarm activated?

This is actually one of the most important features of any alarm because there are a few different alarm activation methods which you need to be aware of. The most common methods of setting off the alarm are a push-button operation and a ripcord activation.
The button versions tend to have a large activation area so there is little chance of missing it while in a panic. This is also very useful for anyone with limited sight, such as a senior person.
The ripcord versions have a keychain hanging out the side of the device and that chain/cord would be connected to somewhere permanent, like a small hook on the inside of a purse or a belt. To set the alarm off all you have to do is yank the device and the ripcord would instantly release.
Which method of activation you prefer is something you need to decide before choosing an alarm. If you can, why not have both versions? Two ways of activating an alarm…what could be better?
2. How loud is the personal safety alarm?
Another important thing you need to know is how loud the alarm will be. Most come standard at 120 decibels which is an ear-splitting high-pitched sound that is very uncomfortable to listen to. Some alarms go as high as 140 decibels but having the alarm that high is not really necessary.
At the end of the day as long as the alarm is loud enough to attract attention then there is no need to go higher. 120 dB is certainly loud enough to scare away a mugger or thief.
3. How will you carry the personal safety alarm?
Due to the many shapes and sizes of these alarms it comes as no surprise that certain types are better designed for specific situations. For example, a keychain alarm would be ideal for day to day use because they are compact and easily hidden away. Some of the larger alarms have a grip and these may be more suited to joggers because grabbing the device with sweaty hands would not be a problem.
4. How big should the personal safety alarm be?
As mentioned above, it really depends on your circumstances. Some people like the feel of a bulky device in their hands whereas others may prefer the more discrete variety. Generally, women tend to go for the lightweight and small versions because they want it to fit into a purse of handbag.
Make sure to take this into consideration because if the personal alarm is not the right size you may find yourself leaving it behind at home due to it being too big or too heavy for your purse. THAT would not be a good idea at all.
5. How does it look?

Appearance is the least important option. How your alarm looks is not going to affect the way it performs, however I know some people don’t want to be seen with an ugly looking contraption attached to their belt and so the option to choose a nice color is there.
These alarms come in all shapes, sizes and colors. There are alarms disguised as lipstick or a pendant, a mini torch, a pen or a number of other things. Some are colored bright pink and stand out like a sore thumb while others are just plain matt black to hide in the shadows of a handbag.
The choice is yours but when choosing make sure to consider the practical points as these are much more important than how the thing looks.
Personal Alarm with Backup Whistle
A personal alarm with a backup whistle is an excellent two-in-one personal safety device for college students.
It is a simple first line of self-defense for college students that looks like an unassuming accessory, which can also serve as a keychain to host your car keys or house keys. It can easily be clipped to a purse or backpack for hands-free transportation.
In the event of an emergency situation you can push the activation button, which creates a painfully loud sound. In case the battery dies, there is also a backup security screamer whistle built into the end of the alarm. Potential criminals do not like to draw attention to themselves so a loud sound, such as the activated beep or whistle, could deter a criminal prior to carrying out an act.
Tactical Flashlight

A tactical flashlight is a practical and multi-purpose personal safety device for college students. It is a small flashlight that is compact and easy to carry.
Despite being small, this flashlight emits a strong and blinding light. There are three different settings: high, low, and strobe. A tactical flashlight emits up to 800 feet of light. The strobe setting may disorient a potential attacker or provide a signal for help during an emergency.
If you are a night owl and enjoy evening activities then a tactical flashlight should be one of your staple personal safety devices. If you are walking in a dark or secluded area you can shine the light in front of you to ensure you are fully aware of your surroundings.
It can also be used for entering your home late at night or getting to your vehicle in a dark parking lot. You can store a tactical flashlight in a purse, glove box, college dorm safe or use the clip function to clip it to a jacket or pants. If you enjoy camping, walking pets at night, or evening jogs then a tactical flashlight can be helpful to ensure you are safe during your activities.
SABRE 3-IN-1 Pepper Spray
SABRE 3-IN-1 Pepper Spray is a step up in personal safety devices for college students. The personal alarm with backup whistle and tactical flashlight are simple and helpful tools to scare off potential attackers, but pepper spray actually has the power to temporary disable an attacker. SABRE is a reputable pepper spray manufacturer and SABRE 3-IN-1 Pepper Spray is a popular self-defense product used by law enforcement agencies worldwide.
Traditional pepper spray is made from a chemical derived from peppers that causes temporary blindness, irritation, and inflammation of the nose, throat, and skin. SABRE 3-IN-1 Pepper Spray also includes tear gas for enhanced facial burning as well as UV marking dye, which assists in subject verification. SABRE created this product and its powerful stream in order to provide protection at a safe distance.
It has a ten foot spray range so you can avoid close contact with the subject. An added bonus with pepper spray is that you will never need to worry about replacing batteries or recharging your personal safety device. SABRE provides a four year shelf life from the date of manufacture so you can have years of dependable protection.
SABRE Lipstick Pepper Spray

SABRE Lipstick Pepper Spray transforms pepper spray into a cute, sleek, and modern form that is fun to carry and stash in your bag. This pepper spray is a popular personal safety device for college students because it combines protection and style.
It is disguised so it does not look like an obvious self-defense product, which makes it non-alerting while you are carrying it. SABRE Lipstick Pepper Spray provides the same power and ten foot spray range as the SABRE 3-IN-1 Pepper Spray.
It is a fun gift to purchase for your female family and friends in order to ensure they are properly equipped for self-defense in the event of an emergency situation. SABRE Lipstick Pepper Spray also provides a four year shelf life from the date of manufacture so you can purchase it and not worry about replacing it for several years. SABRE provides a free training video online as well as safety tips in order to learn how to safely store and use your SABRE self-defense product.
Mini Stun Gun

Another dependable personal safety device that will actually disable a potential attacker is a mini stun gun. A mini stun gun is compact in size and easy to conceal in a purse, backpack, or pocket.
It is extremely simple to use and runs on an internal rechargeable battery so you do not need to spend money to replace batteries. When you activate the mini stun gun it creates electric pulsates between the test prongs and has an intimidating electrical sound.
A potential attacker may be dissuaded by the sound of the device. If not, the jolt of the device will send a high voltage shock, which temporarily impairs an attacker. A mini stun gun can be of value for self-defense as well as in defense of a pet against an aggressive dog or animal. Mini stun guns also include safety features to prevent accidental discharge.
Safety and Security on your College Campus – FAQ’s
It all depends on what you are actually able to carry with you. There is no point purchasing a safety device if you never have it on your person. Here are a few examples of what products are available: personal alarms, emergency flash lights, self-defense keychain, micro stun gun, tactical pen.
Rules regarding this are different all over the world. The laws are also different for each state in the US. Pepper spray is very effective against attackers, its use is forbidden on quite a number of college campuses. There are also age restrictions, so this is something that needs to be looked into.
Here are some examples of self defense products you can carry in your purse: mini taser, mini stun gun, alarm keyring, lipstick stun, whistle, laser light.
It really depends on your circumstances because both have their advantages and disadvantages. Generally, a stun gun may be the better choice because it produces instant results. The disadvantage is you have to be close to your attacker.
Pepper spray is a good self defense tool, however you must make sure it is legal to carry it where you are. It is an effective safety device most of the time but you need to replace them every couple of years because they can fail if they are too old.
Chemical mace is more of an irritant, so there is a chance an attacker may not be affected too much. Pepper spray is an inflammatory agent and will have a much better affect on an assailant. In some places neither of these are legal to use.
Amazing information (Y)
I just wanted to add a safety wearable beacon device i.e “Silent Beacon”.
It is very helpful to get out of an emergency just with a single press on a beacon. And your loved ones will get a notifation that you are in an emergency and need help. Your current location is also shared so that you will be rescued soon.