Self-defense Products for College Students

Self-Defense Products for College Students

Self-Defense Products for College Students

Self-defense preparation needs to be a priority for every woman given violence and crime targeted against female populations continues to be a worldwide pandemic.

It is essential for women to educate themselves on the potential risks as well as measures to prevent themselves from becoming a victim. Perpetrators often target individuals and groups that appear to be soft targets such as women who are unaccompanied and college communities.


That is why it is necessary for young women to create a self-defense strategy as soon as they become independent in order to develop practices and find female self-defense products they can use throughout their life. Lifelong preventative practices can prepare young women and potentially deter acts of violence and crime.

It may feel overwhelming or intimidating to purchase female self-defense products if you are new to the self-defense world. However, self-defense products for college students, busy moms, and women from all walks of life are more accessible and user-friendly than ever before.

The best way to prepare a self-defense strategy is to become knowledgeable on the threats, stay vigilant, and formulate a plan so that you feel confident in defending yourself. The strategy is both mental and physical so that you are armed with the knowledge to recognize a potential threat as well as armed with the personal protection devices to defeat it.

By mentally preparing, you will feel innately empowered in such situations, demonstrate competence, and show less fear, which could also dissuade a potential perpetrator. There are several non-lethal and effective self-defense gadgets that can aide in your self-defense strategy.

You can select the device and style of device that is most practical given your lifestyle and personal preferences. Each device contains explicit instructions for use as well as provides built-in safety features so the user feels confident owning, carrying, and using the device when necessary.

Rape Alarm Rings

Rape Alarm Rings

Rape alarm rings serve as a simple and effortless first line of defense during an emergency situation. It is a cheap and easy accessory that can clip to a purse, brief case, or backpack and transform into a self-defense product for college students and women on the go in a matter of seconds.

Rape alarms are built so that in an emergency situation you can pull a designated section of the ring, which will create an extremely loud, high decibel sound.

The sound of the alarm may scare off potential threats and not require additional self-defense methods. One of the major benefits of the rape alarm ring is that it is small, portable, and perfect for traveling. Several versions also include an LED light, which also make it a versatile and practical female self-defense product.

Pepper Spray and Mace

Pepper Spray and Mace

Pepper spray and mace are also extremely simple, yet powerful tools, that can immediately disable a target upon use. Pepper spray is made from a chemical derived from peppers that causes temporary blindness, irritation, and inflammation of the nose, throat, and skin.

Mace is similar to pepper spray in that is temporarily incapacitates its target and is derived from chemical solvents.

Pepper spray and mace are a staple in the personal protection device industry because of their ease of use, reliability, and ability to immediately impair a target.

There are explicit instructions for use and safety features designed to prevent accidental discharge. Both options come in a variety of sizes and are perfect for entering and exiting cars and homes, storing in purses or bags, or keeping inside of your house for home protection use.

Pepper spray and mace are the ideal self-defense product for college students because they can easily blend into a college student’s lifestyle by clipping the product to a keychain or backpack.  If you are an outdoor enthusiast, runner, or simply prefer a hands-free option there are wristband versions available for strap-and-go activities.

Stun Guns


Stun guns have significantly evolved since their initial debut. The previously large and somewhat bulky stun gun has been upgraded to fit the needs of modern women.

Stun guns range in size from as large as a handheld device to as small as a ring that can easily be concealed while carrying. Stun guns have become one of the leading female self-defense products available due to the variety of sizes, ease of use, and portable nature. Stun guns also include safety features to prevent accidental discharge.

Several versions include a LED flashlight, which can assist during nighttime use. Larger stun gun devices can be stored in purses or bags, nightstands, or vehicle glove compartments depending on the owner’s lifestyle and preference. Smaller stun gun devices, such as the ring, can be worn at anytime to provide continual and immediate defense in an emergency situation. The ring provides peace of mind for women who enjoy running, hiking, or night-time activities.


There are endless innovative self-defense products and personal safety devices for women that can assist in providing preventive measures to protect yourself from becoming a victim. These products are discreet, easy to use, and will clearly demonstrate to potential perpetrators that you are not an easy target of opportunity.

Self-defense products for college students, outdoor enthusiasts, working professionals, and busy moms are readily available and affordable so it is up to each woman to proactively educate and protect themselves as well as their communities.

Once you have devised a self-defense strategy it is beneficial to rehearse what you would do in an emergency situation. Additionally, one of the most valuable gifts you can provide to your mothers, daughters, sisters, and loved-ones is to share your knowledge of self-defense to ensure no one you know will ever become a victim. Unfortunately, some women do not become fully aware of the problem and its impact until they or someone they love has been negatively affected by an incident.

Proactively developing a self-defense strategy is something each woman should take pride in and acknowledge as an essential safety precaution. A feeling of safety, protection, and confidence should be instilled in every women due to the availability of resources as well as the affordability of self-defense products for women.

Personal Safety Devices for College Students

Personal Safety Devices

Personal safety in college is something that cannot be ignored, especially by women. Young adults / teens going to college these days need to protect themselves from the terrible crimes that occur on campus. You cannot ignore the fact that going to college is not as safe as it once was and this is pertains to men as well as women.

If you are a parent with a child going off to college then you will need some peace of mind that your son or daughter is safe. If you are a student ready to set off to college, then you need to have some kind of protection in case of an attack. This is even more so important if you are living in a dorm room. The realities of assault, especially sexual assault, on campus is quite shocking. You must protect yourself!

Campus protection with self-defense products – FAQ’s

What can I carry to protect myself in college?

You can carry a special defensive flashlight or even use your keys for protection but for peace of mind you should consider a specific self-defense product. Examples are – tactical pens, Mace, stun gun, pepper spray or special alarm key-chains.

Can I legally carry mace on a college campus?

This depends on your campus rules. Mace can be used as a self-defense tool and is effective, however some colleges/universities do not allow these on campus. You will need to read what the rules are in your student handbook.

Are personal safety alarms effective on campus?

These key chain alarms are very useful in deterring potential attackers. They are small, easy to conceal and when activated make a lot of noise. Self defense alarms are fast becoming top selling self defense products.

What is the best personal attack alarm?

Most of the best personal alarms should be loud enough to scare an attacker away. The alarm needs to be ear-piercing. You also want it to be easy to use/set off. It must be easy to carry too; something that could fit in a purse or pocket.

Can I carry a taser on college campus?

This really depends on your campus rules. Most colleges have made tasers/stun guns illegal for use on campus but then the laws change all the time. Best thing to do is check your student handbook.

What is a self defense flashlight?

There are tactical flashlights on the market today that can be a great tool for self-defense. There are many uses for a flashlight and if used correctly can have the power to blind an attacker for a short period of time. Some are even tough enough to be used as a defense weapon.

Which is best for college..pepper spray or a stun gun?

For the best protection you would carry both. For long range, pepper spray would be best. A stun gun/taser would be better suited for short range. If you could only have one, then the spray would be the top choice.

What’s the difference between a stun gun and a Taser?

Simply put, with a Stun gun you would have to physically touch your attacker with the stun prongs for it to work effectively. On the other hand, a Taser will allow you to repel an attacker from a number of feet away.

Will pepper spray stop an attacker?

Yes. Pepper spray is a powerful defensive device that is used to deter attackers. When used correctly it can cause all manner of temporary face and skin issues such as a burning feeling or difficulty breathing. It will buy you enough time to escape and find a safe location. For the best results spray the attacker in the face.

So what can a college student do to protect themselves?

Self-defense Products for College Students

SABRE Compact Stun Gun, Flashlight & Personal Alarm

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$18.75 $29.99

SABRE RED Pepper Gel Spray for Runners

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$9.88 $12.99

SABRE RED Pink Pepper Spray Keychain for Women

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$9.96 $11.99

Guard Dog Security Hornet 2 World's Smallest Stun Gun Keychain

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SABRE RED Pepper Spray Keychain & Stun Gun

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